Time for Kids was established in 1960 as the “Society of Sponsors” to provide volunteer care, nurture and support to children and young people in need. Since then, the program has matched thousands of children with individuals and families who spend regular time with them, developing long-term relationships that help children reach their full potential.
Hear about how the program has evidenced the importance of long-term, positive role models for children and their families over its 63 years of operation; the benefits of which are multi-faceted, both for children and young people themselves, as well as for their greater family relationships.
The program seeks new volunteer carers to the program and accepts referrals only for children who are under the Guardianship of the Chief Executive of DCP and residing in Kinship Care. These children are referred by their DCP case workers.
Guest Speaker:
Lucy Seppelt is the Team Leader of Time for Kids and has worked in the program since 2010. She has worked across multiple facets of the program, including child intake and assessment, carer assessment, matching and placement support as well as program and procedural development.
The information session will be followed by Q&A and professional networking.
About the Meeting
Where: 49a Orsmond Street, Hindmarsh
When: Wednesday, 8 Nov, 2023 | 9:30AM to 12:30PM
Cost: Free.
Online registration via Eventbrite is compulsory.
Both in-person and Zoom options are available to join this meeting. (Zoom link will be shared with the participants a day before the event)
Light refreshments provided.
For queries, contact Saima F. on 08 8245 8100 or email
RSVP via Eventbrite HERE or via QR code below.